Everyone knows where they were on this day 10 years ago. In a classroom, at work, at the doctor, in their car, or just at home watching TV. We all know what this day did to us, how it changed our perspective of what it was to be a citizen of this country. Most of us had never seen an attack on American soil. It was as if someone had walked into our homes while we slept and fired a gun right into our bedrooms. It was a rude wake up call.

This night, 10 years ago, I lay in my bed for the first time feeling as though our country was not in fact untouchable. We were capable of infiltration, and those who gave no concern for human kind would do there best to bring our nation to its knees. Until this very day, I had never looked at the pictures of this attack. It made it too real for me. I just couldn't bare it in my heart.

Today, I attended a services at New Haven Baptist Church. The service was to remember those who gave their lives on this day, and to honor men and women of service. Firefighters, EMTs, Police officers, and all other Rescue workers... This morning, I watched my husband dress in his fancy firefighter uniform, with his badges and his black dress shoes. I never really thought of him in that way, but today I realized that if given a situation like that of 9/11, I know 100% that he would risk his life to help others just as any other full time fire fighter would do. As would all of his other fire fighter brothers and sisters. My heart broke for those families who lost their loved ones on this day, and every day after from this senseless attack. What honor and bravery those men and women possessed. What courage their families possessed in going on after they were left behind.
So today I looked at 10 years worth of pictures of a tragedy, and wept for those whose lives were lost, and those husbands, wives, children, moms, and dads who were left behind to mourn them and go on without them.

I understand that there is speculation about these attacks. Some people believe that there was some sort of conspiracy in the attacks, and that we weren't given all of the information. I don't know about you, but all I really need to know is that our country was attacked. We were threatened on our own soil. Lives were lost. Children slept a little less easy. Parents worried a little more when they left their homes the next day. We were shaken, but we did not crumble. And we will never forget. We won't forget those who died, and we won't forget those who continue to fight for our country to this very day. We lived the history that our children will learn about in their text books, and their children after them. I pray that God keep his hand on our country so it never happens again
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