Today as I am kind of...annoyed? I feel disappointed about something in my life and it has brought me to this thought.
Today's inconvenience has caused me to wonder if maybe this changing world has brought us to a more careless way of doing things. We treat our neighbors as though we hardly know them. We treat our friends as acquaintances, and we treat our family like distant friends. We have no time for visits. We don't visit any longer. We hardly take the time to care about a single other person besides ourselves. I am equally guilty of this trait.
I go along with most days, and the only other people I worry for are my children and husband. I was completely content in this until late last evening when a friend came calling for a favour.
She wanted me to speak with a friend of hers who was experiencing the same pregnancy problems as me.
Why not? I thought to myself. So I messaged her with some of the things that I had dealt with, and we talked back and forth on line for a little while. I felt really good about what I had done. Then after I had gone to bed that night, I found it hard to rest. For, I worried for this woman as if I had known her all of my life. As if she were a close friend, going through a trial, and I very much needed to be a friend to her. But I don't even know her...just her familiar circumstance.
Then God spoke to me and said..."She is your sister. It is your obligation to help her."
I lay there that night and sobbed into my pillow, and prayed for my sister.
This morning she messaged me with an update, and I answered that I was praying and to take it easy.
I think she knows she has a long way to go, but I hope she doesn't feel alone. For I will walk with her, and I will pray with her. My new found friend, my sister in Christ.
She has no idea that her circumstance has helped me be a little less selfish. We should all be such. Shame on me for ever thinking otherwise.
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