Other days the choice seems harder to make. On days when we feel a million miles apart, and there isn't a single thing that goes right for us. The days when one has pushed the others button to the point of no return, then we both realize we have no idea why we are arguing in the first place. Days when we hardly say two words to one another until we say goodnight. And even on those days I choose to love him, and I am so very blessed to know that he has gracefully paid me the same courtesy.
Truthfully, I choose it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly. No matter how hard or easy that choice is on whatever day, I will always choose to love him. Because years and years and years ago, before I even existed, a great man looked through time and saw me. He saw every single solitary mistake I would ever make. He saw every flaw and every weakness, and yet he chose to love me. Jesus chose to love me, and die for me. And I believe he expects nothing less of us to whomever he has chosen for us to spend our lives with.
I'm sure that without a doubt the choice will become harder for each of us as we grow older. In growing older, we will change. Life will make us jaded in so many different ways. Even now, I can see the differences in us compared to 10 years ago. I see new things about my husband that make me fall deeper and deeper in love with him. Like the first time I watched him hold our children. I have also found new faults in him, as I'm sure he has found many in me as well. But even then, I choose to love him.
Because LOVE is not a fairytale. Love is hard. Love is working together to make the parties involved happier. Love is about showing up for all of the hard things in life, and never being alone in anything. Love is a choice to always be that person's #1 fan, for the rest of your life.
(Quote from the Movie Fireproof)