Monday, May 20, 2013

A Letter To Caleb...


  Today, I watched you graduate pre-school.  I know I looked funny, because I was the only mom crying, and you said as much on the way home.  But here's what you don't understand.  You, my sweet boy, are and will always be, my greatest miracle.  God literally gifted you to me, when I thought you would forever remain a dream that would never come true.  I BEGGED God for you.  Sometimes patiently, and sometimes not so patiently, I waited for you.  And when they finally placed you into my arms, I knew I was meant to be your mom.  And boy am I proud.

The thing is, you're just growing up way to fast for me.  Every time I look at you, it seems you've grown some more.  It just doesn't seem fair that I can't keep you exactly the way you are right now. You still trust me, and think I make no mistakes.  Your world belongs to me and your dad, and someday we are going to have to give that up.  Today was just a reminder of that fact.  And while we are so very proud of that fact, we are also a little saddened.  I truly dread the day when you no longer need me.  Just know that even if you do wake up one day and don't need me, you'll still have me.  You'll always be my baby boy.

Love Always,

The Best Big Brother

Also Incredibly Smart
And just when I think you're gonna drive me insane...
You give me that smile.
Gets me every time.