"Oh the joys of motherhood!"
It seems as though I'm being hit on all fronts. My not quite 3 year old daughter has decided that she is now a diva with a "TUDE". And throws some of the awfullest tantrums you will ever see. If you see an abandoned cart at Wal-mart and hear a child screaming like a banchee somewhere near, you know the "Carlinator" has struck again.
I used to be one of those people who snarled their noses at the screaming child in the cart behind me whose mother calmly read the cover of People magazine as if nothing were happening. Not anymore. I applaud the mother who can keep her cool when her normally sweet baby is transforming into the hulk right beside her. Let me tell ya, it's enough to drive you to drinkin' sometimes.

Don't get me wrong, I realize this is what I signed up for, but ya'll if I hear one more childless adult say the words, "You better do something with that kid now, or in a few years you'll not be able to control them." I'm gonna Hulk out myself. Please, tell me more about how you know exactly nothing about being a parent. The thing is, being a parent is hard in itself without having to justify your actions to someone who knows nothing about the situation except what they might see on the surface.
I suppose that's what parenting has taught me. I don't judge the way I used to. When I see a situation, I see it with new eyes. And I think, not what that person should be doing differently, but what I could be doing to help encourage them. And for that I'm grateful.
We did manage to enjoy some days minus the sickness. Here's what we did for fun! Enjoy!