Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Anniversary....

When you marry young, it's easy to lose yourself in the midst of it all. The wedding, starting a life...a family. And suddenly you wake up one day, and you have a job and a house, and two children to raise.  You aren't just a couple, you're a family.  And you begin to wonder....Does this person that I married even really know me? Do I really know me anymore?  Are we still the two people who fell in love 10 years ago? Or are we just two people who live together and have children.

"I need to stop and get a few things before I come home." he says to me. 

I knew where he was going. He forgot our anniversary last year, and this year he was bound and determined to make up for it.
"Ok." I replied.

When he walked through the door, I already knew he was towing a juicer in his bag.  It's what I said I wanted.  Who could blame the guy for giving me exactly what I said I wanted.  But somewhere down deep inside it hurt me just a little.  The "whiny-butt" inside of me couldn't help but wonder if given the task he would be able come up with a single gift for me that would show that he knew me at all.

You see, my husband is my best friend.  We do everything together.  We have been in each other's lives since we were 16. We know things about each other...and yet, all he could think to buy me was the juicer that I'd asked for.

He saw the disappointment in my eyes.  "Isn't that what you asked for?" He frowned.

"Yeah," I smiled. I did like the gift. Genuinely...i did.  "Thank you."
"I also got you this." He smiled back at me, and pulled a CD out of his pocket.
It was Gavin DeGraw the Live Concert album.
I squealed like a kid and snatched the CD from his hands.  Then I threw my arms around him and kissed him. He thought I loved the gift, but what I loved was the fact that he bought me a gift that showed me he still knew me.

It's the most amazing feeling...knowing you're with the one who God intended.  Knowing that no matter what life hands're in it together.

Happy Anniversary Honey.  9 Years and Counting.....