But.... (Yes, I said it...BUT) The older I get, the more I think about the things I would like to experience before I leave this world... SO! I'm gonna join the club! Here's my bucket list.
- Write a book.
- lose 100 pounds.
- Become a runner.
- Open my own Restaurant.
- Get a tattoo. (On my foot--Of a Cherry Blossom) HEY DON'T JUDGE. (Snicker)
- Become a successful gardener. (Just like my Grandparent and my parents)
- Visit Athens, Greece
- Learn to Water Ski
- Bungee Jump
- Learn the Paint like my mom.
- See the following bands in concert.
- Dave Matthews Band (Cause they are awesome)
- Carolina Liars
- The Eagles (My Dad's favorite)
- City and Colour
- Guns and Roses, The Originals! (Because let's just face it, if that reunion ever happened, it would be AWE-SOME.
- Renew my wedding vows on the beach, in Hawaii.
- Retire from my job, and be debt free.
- Raise happy, healthy children, and put them through the college of their choice.
Alright y'all! What's on your bucket list!! (You know you have one!!)